Follow the steps to know all last modified files in your cPanel:
Step::1 Login to cPanel and open File Manager section
Step::2 Go inside your root directory i.e public_html
Step::3 Create a new php file named test.php
Step::4 Copy the code from the below
$edited_files = shell_exec(' find /home/cpanel_username/public_html/ -type f -mtime -2 ');
echo "This is string : <br> <pre>$edited_files</pre>";
//Convert to Array
$edited_files = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($edited_files));
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
Step::5 Paste this code in the test.php file
Step::6 Finally click over Save Changes.
Step::7 Now open your browser and hit this test.php and see the result
You will be able to see the last modified files in your cPanel.